What’s new in Revive Adserver v3.0.0?
Following the release of Revive Adserver v3.0.0, we thought it would be useful to share what’s new and improved: Revive Adserver v3.0.0 Release date: 13 September 2013 Application name has changed from “OpenX Source” to “Revive Adserver”....
Revive Adserver v3.0.0 Released
Revive Adserver v3.0.0 has been released. This release renames the product from OpenX Source to Revive Adserver, and includes security updates, new features, and bug fixes. The Release Notes contain all of the details, which users are encouraged to read carefully...
OpenX announces sale of OpenX Source
OpenX Source has been renamed to Revive Adserver and is now a true open source project again.