Security Information

about Revive Adserver

This page contains information about how we handle security issues for the Revive Adserver software.

We also list all Security Advisories we’ve published for our project in the second part of this page.

How to report security concerns

We use the HackerOne vulnerability management system to manage security reports.

Here is what you can do, if you think you have found a security issue in the Revive Adserver code:

  • Always make sure you’re using the latest version (available for download from this website)
  • Start by reviewing all the release notes to ensure the issue is not already covered by any of our releases.
  • In the interest of responsible disclosure of (potential/suspected) security issues related to our code, you can sign up to HackerOne, and let us know about any issues there.
  • Please do NOT post anything on Github or in the community forums.

Security Advisories

for Revive Adserver

An overview of Security Advisories posted by the Revive Adserver project team.